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  • Writer's pictureApple HMS

Karsyn & Kasyn - Apple Pick of the Month

December 12, 2015 was one of the scariest days of my life. It was the day that I gave birth to twin boys weighing 1 pound and 8 ounces apiece. I was told prior to having them that if they did not come out breathing there would be no hope for them to survive. Thankfully after being on bed rest for almost a week, they both came out fighting for their lives. Karsyn suffered a lot the past 15 months with surgeries and being diagnosed with macro hydrocephalus and cortical vision impairment. He is trached and on a vent 24 hours a day. Along with prematurity, these diagnoses make things harder for him to understand and to meet his milestones. Even with his diagnosis, he is the sweetest, most loving boy I have ever met.

Kasyn does not have as many struggles as his older brother, but has struggles within himself. Kasyn is also trached and on a vent, and has subglottic stenosis, which is a blocked airway. With them being 15 months, this can be very scary because he is at the age of figuring out what things are, and constantly pulls on his trach.

The past 10 months and five days that the boys were in the NICU helped me to grow as a mother and a person. You just never understand how strong these sweet little babies are until you see them overcome an outcome that did not look so promising. Apple HMS has been great from the beginning. I am so grateful that I chose Apple to be a part of my family's and my children's lives.

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