Theresa Williams is a 21 year old girl from Waco, TX, who was born with a genetic condition that has caused her to have challenges. There have been several times where she has fought her way through and surpassed all expectations of her doctors.
Theresa may not speak using her voice, but she absolutely lets you know how much she loves you through her smile and her laughter! Her favorite thing above all else is Curious George!
Her family and her nurses strive daily to keep Theresa’s lungs clear and opened. We also work to keep her muscles and joints loose and mobile.
As a parent, it’s all about sleep… sleep is the biggest challenge! We as parents of these special kids will tell you that any extra sleep we can get is golden! We don’t consider what we do for our kid a burden; I find joy in whatever I’m doing for my daughter. She IS my joy!
Out of all the hospital stays and surgeries and no matter how sick she has been, she always will give you a smile. It may be a little smile, but it lights up the room.